Study with a Coaching Master in the comfort of your own home... right now!

This is Mark J. Ryan. I was there. I saw and filmed John Overdurf doing some of his brilliant coaching magic. And I witnessed him actually perform a miracle.
At the time, I didn't know he was coaching a miracle into reality. But 5 months later, I met the person he coached again. She was a completely different person.
Before John worked with her, she had a hard time walking. Even standing up was difficult for her. When I saw her 5 months later, she was walking just fine. She also had an amazing transformation in her attitude.
I first met Bella at John's week-long seminar in Atlanta. I witnessed her having trouble and even personally helped her several times because I saw what pain she was in.
John worked with her during the seminar... and I got it on film! Not only did he work with her and change her life experience, he meta-commented to the class about what he was doing while he was working with her.
The session was 73 minutes long. And then John did a fascinating 28 minute Q & A that you will learn so much from.
Here is why this is so exciting to me and I worked hard to convince John to make this public. I was in Las Vegas 5 months later filming another friend of mine at a Seminar and Bella was there as well.. It wasn't the same Bella! She has miraculously transformed. She was now walking without problem and was smiling brightly. Her attitude was fun and outgoing. She was no longer in the pain she was in in Atlanta 5 months earlier.
She was a new person! I spent days with her; the change was permanent. Bella was congruent about her new experience in every way. I asked her if she would let me film her and if she would give a testimonial for John.
Now here is where is gets really interesting. The other person John worked with in Atlanta that we filmed was also there at the same seminar in Las Vegas.
Her name is Sarah and she also had gone through miraculous shifts and changes. I got to see the changes in her as well. She also told stories of some of the things she had done since working with John.
Sarah was looking to overcome the fear of singing in front of people. Sarah is a most gifted opera singer and she needed the confidence to share her gift with others. In Atlanta during the same seminar as John worked with Bella..he also worked with Sara on her stage fright.
John worked with Sarah for almost 1 hour and 20 minutes...again meta commenting the whole time and explaining what was going on as he did it. At the end Sarah had the shift she was looking for and the confidence to sing proudly in front of an audience. How do I know that? Because John asked her to sing in front of the class...right there....right then...and sing Sarah did. It was beautiful and touching, so much so that we were all so moved that John ended the class for the day.
When I saw Sarah again 5 months later in Las Vegas she told me of how she had done what she wanted in the direction of singing and the fear was gone and it was easy and fun for her. I also filmed Sarah giving a testimonial of what had transpired for her since John worked with her in Las Vegas.
So here is my excitement...John has testimonial proof of the results of his work....but this is the really exciting part...we have on film exactly what he did and him explaining what he was doing along the way.
How amazing would it be if you could study these videos as often as you want and at your own pace right in the comfort of your own home or office?
Well, now you can. After John saw the testimonials, he realized how important it was to share the original coaching session. I compressed the videos and testimonials and sent them to John. After he reviewed them, he agreed that others should have access to them, too.
We decided to make them as instant downloads so you can begin to watch and learn right away.
These are high quality videos and the sounds is sharp and clear.
We are selling these separately but John and I want you to see both of these remarkable Coaching Sessions so we are offering a very special deal on both.
They are called Coaching Demos: How to Conversationally Coach the Unconscious Mind
Here is what you will get while watching these videos:
- How to use the HNLP Coaching Beyond Goals Model
- How to conversationally create a context for powerful change
- How to make fine sensory distinctions to utilize unconscious processing, so that you're coaching the unconscious mind
- How to calibrate to congruence of problem and outcome states
- How to conversationally elicit strategies - how to get the same critical information that you would in a 2 or 3 hour breakthough session
- How to conversationally leverage values and meta programs to streamline the intervention
- How to elicit powerful resource states and anchor them visually and auditorily.
- How to use the Meta Pattern of all NLP patterns and recursion in your work to fully integrate changes.
- How to use regression and re-imprinting work inside of a coaching model
- How to use linguistic presuppositions subtly and effectively
- How to deliver advanced language patterns to set up and effect change
- How to use hypnotic principles in an up-time, conversational approach
- How to use humor and work spontaneously using whatever the moment has to offer.
- How to test the work for the best results
There you have it!
Just think how useful having these videos will be to you and your practice and how it could improve your abilities and the efficiency of how you do your work with clients.
And in the economic conditions right now you will know you have the confidence that you are incorporating some of the best if not the best coaching available today. You clients will thank you for taking the time to learn this.
Click on the Add to Cart button and within minutes you will have these videos ready to download instantly for your viewing convenience.
John would also love to hear back from you about what you personally get out of the videos...and maybe even some stories about how your learning has helped others. Thanks for reading! This is Mark J. Ryan wishing you a rewarding and prosperous new year!
Regular price $129.95 per individual demo offering price: $99.95 per individual demo Package price 149.95